HI Jennifer, Great stuff, but instead of the balls and bands why not look at real bodies? Seeing the "bags" in the lab was eye opening. No body ever told me there where "bags" in there.
Jeannene, I too am all for seeing "the bags" as one might in an anatomy lab (I've personally participated in Gil Hedley's lab 8 times... so far ), however, the very nature of a tutorial on our website is to inform all Pilates enthusiasts, not just teachers, with the information offered. Despite our (yours and my) affinity for wanting to know what is "really" going on inside the body, I am certain Jennifer is following our instructions to keep the information available to all of our members, including those who may not be as inclined to see the "bags" actually.
That said, I really appreciate your feedback and will think more seriously about including a workshop on anatomy (with pictures)! Thank you!