Athletic Jump Board<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 2460

Athletic Jump Board
Courtney Miller
Class 2460

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There are many things I admire about your teaching style. The aspect that is most consistently impressive is your awareness of muscle anatomy and the expert cues that allow for meaningful mind / body connection.
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You are simply amazing! thank you !!!:))
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Great workout! Going into favorites! I love your
Pants.. Great color. Where are they from?
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It took me a couple days to find the time but it was well worth it. I'm gonna try the "catch the riser' move at work on my Allegro 2. I did this class at home on an older Balanced Body reformer and it really pinched my shoulders. Any tips? I really love your athletic style and we've never met but I honor you in my classes! So here's to you Courtney!
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My favourite yet - I really love Courtney's classes.
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Thank you Courtney,
Another wonderful creative workout.
My clients love when l bring your ideas to class.
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Great workout. I couldn't find your workshop, though, on the arm series you referenced. Can you give me a class #?
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Ann ~ Courtney's workshop is not on the site yet. We hope to have it published in the next few months! I hope you enjoy it once it's live!
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Amazing!!! Great workout and I also had a lot of fun.
1 person likes this.
Super fun creative class. Thanks!
31-40 of 103

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