Back Release Part Two<br>Rebekah Rotstein<br>Tutorial 2494

Back Release Part Two
Rebekah Rotstein
Tutorial 2494

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Lovely! Thank you. Do you think it's best to work with the more challenging side first?
Thank you for this....perfect timing - my right SI joint is very cranky today-what about opposite arm and leg?
Wonderful! Have just the lady to try this on!
Thank you!
Great!!! Thank you!!
Nikki D
Tried this last night on a client about to run a marathon - he had been struggling to release tension on the roller and this worked wonderfully for him. Thank you!
Hi Rebekah , thank you for sharing this . I will be trying this tomorrow in my pure stretch class and my Pilates class . I tried it myself , how effective it is . Thank you .
Karin H
Thank you Rebekah! I tried this with my client who has occasional low back pain and she joyously felt the release!! She is thrilled. What are your guidelines on how many times to practice a day??
Fabulous. Rebekah, you are amazing!! This feels great for my clients yet even better for me. With two legs at slightly different lengths, it provides a much needed lengthening from the hip. Delicious!
I loved, I will try today with a new clientπŸ’‹πŸ’‹, congratulations you are really good teacher, you use clear cues and because English is not my natural language, I am really enjoying your classes.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŒΉ
Thank you Rebekah, that really does feel great. Can i just ask...when we lengthen through the sides, are we strongly connecting and staying in neutral spine position.
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