Knee Stretches<br>Diane Severino<br>Tutorial 2530

Knee Stretches
Diane Severino
Tutorial 2530

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I love all of your words, Diane, thank you for this tutorial :)
Beautiful! I like your slow movement.
Omg! Your awesome!
Thanks Diane, for the awesome cues. :)
How fun to learn from you.
Thanks Diane, I really enjoyed your personality and presentation of good information.
Diane is AMAZING. This is totally inspiring. Thank you!
1 person likes this.
I have never smiled so much watching a class!!! Great tips and cues but best of all the animation! I'm taking the toilet roll to every rounded back knee stretch going forward.
I've clearly been doing this wrong forever. You're the bomb!
I freaking ADORE you!
11-20 of 34

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