Knee Stretches<br>Diane Severino<br>Tutorial 2530

Knee Stretches
Diane Severino
Tutorial 2530

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7 people like this.
Thanks, Diane! As always, I love your cues, especially "tucking the skirt"!
5 people like this.
Total non-sequitur, but I feel like Diane would be the best hugger!! :) I don't think there's anyone on the planet with a more generous spirit! Thank you, Diane ... for sharing your wisdom and for being the best YOU!
1 person likes this.
That's it! I am taking a toilet roll into my Studio today! Fabulous Q's and wonderful teaching
1 person likes this.
Diane, - you are so lovable! You are so right, - I never liked this exercise so much and my clients always ask : " what is this for?"
I will go back to this with all your thoughts and cues and find it!
Eimear G
Well explained, with original cueing ideas!
How have I not seen any of your videos? Your personality suits me to a T! Thank you for the great tutorial and for brightening my day :)
I love this. Absolutely spot on with everything from cueing to the what- just- happened-this-is-no-longer-a-knee-s tretch part.. that is sooo common! I wish you were here to cue me in person!
I love this so much! Thankyou for such a fantastic explanation of the knee stretch. I've always hated this exercise because it doesn't make sense to me because I never felt it in my quads because I was moving past my hips and pushing with my arms.
Diane Severino
Hi, it's Diane. Thanks for your lovely comments. It's amazing how you find my videos so fast, I didn't know they were on! Glad I could demystify knee stretch a little bit.
Omg Diane !!! You r so Gourgous!! Hope to see more full classes from you soon !!! ??
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