Hi Rebekah. I have been looking for instructions on how to strengthen my abs so I can do the teasers and all the exercises requiring the spine roll down and up. I'm just not strong enough. But I now I see I can use the bands to build up the muscles to get the place where I can do the spine rolls up and down bandless and in good form.
Indeed Jane! I advise using assistance of props to facilitate you through movement in the segments that are lacking mobility or the areas that are not yet strong enough to perform an exercise fully - that way you maintain good form and don't 'cheat'. Enjoy!
A nice class to help reinforce the basics for new clients. But the description needs to be updated to show you'll need a theraband and a small ball. Thanks Rebekah!
Mike ~ I'm sorry you had to stop the class because you didn't have props. I have made sure that the props are now listed on this class so you will know in the future.
Hi Charlotte, I filmed this 4.5 years ago so please remind me what you're referring to with "up on the ball" - thanks! FYI it was not designed for those with osteoporosis in mind but I'm not sure what part you are thinking of.
I think Charlotte means when the ball is under your butt lying supine with knees bent. This is in the beginning of the video when you are going over pelvic stability. Is having the ball under your butt safe for those with osteoporsis?Thanks!