Mat<br>The Basics<br>Rebekah Rotstein<br>Class 260

The Basics
Rebekah Rotstein
Class 260

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1 person likes this.
great training class. :)
Nice basic and explanations for the beginner! Love to see the guys doing the classes here.Real men do pilates..yea! We need more men doing Pilates!! We see too little of it here in the south.
great job !! thank u for all ;)
Thank Rebekah for providing on line training classes. I am looking forward to learning more mat and equipments based classes from Rebekah.
Great Basics class! Enjoyed pace and style of instructing. Thanks for a lovely session.
I Love it Rebekah, great class not only for beginners, there is always something to learn!
This was a great first class for a total newbie--thanks!!
I tried this class first & it was indeed a good intro! Thanks!
Hi Rebekah! This was the first time I took your class. It was really a lovely class! Loved the tone of your voice. Great work!

Back to basics to check on the connections, but I did not think a complete newby would have enough cues to get the techniques right.
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