Full Disclosure: Both Amy and Gia work for Pilates Anytime and I am one of the Founders:
I don't offer praise in the forums often for fear of sounding like I am boasting for the sake of the business. Occasionally however, a class gives me an experience that completely shifts my day for the better, reminding me that I am a member of PA too and I can't help myself... This is one of those occasions because this class was everything I needed today. I feel 1000 times better than I did 40 minutes ago. The teaching and demonstration were beautiful and much appreciated given my mood when I started. Thank you Amy and Gia for helping to make this website what it is and for sharing this workout with me/us.
Thanks gals! :) And Kristi.....thank you for taking the time to comment on this class.....big smile knowing that it made your day and body feel a little better!