Tower Balance Challenge<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 2615

Tower Balance Challenge
Tash Barnard
Class 2615

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This was a great class. I loved the roller with feet in straps never tried that! I also liked the standing footwork and the side bending and rotation with the wide pliƩ. Never tried doing the tower with one foot before either- thanks!
Michele M
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Awesome class!! Loved all of the standing work esp...great flow:) Thank you, thank you
Tash Barnard
Hi everyone!
Thank you so much for taking time to watch my class - your comments and feedback is always welcome!
You can order pants from - these are the 'scales' - dont forget to mention your fav color! Love me
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Excellent class! Thank you:)
1 person likes this.
Loved the deep intense work, the creativity and the flow. Thanks a lot Tash :))
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AwesOMe Class Tash!!!! I've been enjoying teaching this series!! And those Pants are AMAZING!!! Where can I get some!!??

More Tower classes please!! Your incredible!!!! Thank YOU!!!
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Brilliant, Tash!
I was not a fan of the foam roller combo. Dangerous. Didn't end well. Why push Pilates so far toward injury almost? Pls rethink safety when people are doing these alone. Hate to have to question if I'm going to get injured as I'm following along my.
pleaseee let me know where did you find those leggins ?? are beautiful !! Plus, thank you for this amazing class, all my students were sweting !
Tash Barnard
HI Vanessa

Thank you for the awesome feedback! So good to hear you and your students enjoyed the class. The leggings are from
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