Foot to Core Connection<br>Amy Taylor Alpers<br>Class 2668

Foot to Core Connection
Amy Taylor Alpers
Class 2668

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Amy, this was fantastic. I could feel my own feet wanting to cramp just watching! Amazing detail. Anyone can just push on a pedal, it's our connection that changes the body.
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Thank you, Amy. Very helpful cues to stay out of the quads!
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Fantastic video!! Mentors like you continue to make us all better teachers. Thanks for re-acquainting me and subsequently my clients to our feet/powerhouse in this terrific workout
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Very easy to follow at home!

Perfect for me today and as always, I learned so much! Thank you Amy!
Thanks everyone. And Kristi Cooper i already want to come back. 😊
Wow- my feet feel completely different and ALIVE after that! AND, most importantly, I was able to achieve going up front and going up side for the first time ever without holding on to something. Holy game changer!! Thank you. xoxo
1-10 of 11

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