Advanced Wall Ending<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2672

Advanced Wall Ending
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2672

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And yet another wonderful workout Kathy...I just love your clear teaching, encouragement to explore movement and inspiring yet simple ideas...this workout is really hard but gives me heaps to work on...thankyou
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So informative and inspirational, especially the discussion at the end which gave me a lightbulb moment! Thank you very much and well done Niedra!
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Taking it to the wall with my clients this week.... and myself too! Thank you.
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I love your classes because you TEACH me what to feel and how to do so. I feel it like a complete workout and not only as an ending or a preparation. Thank you so much!
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Love it, challenging and so educational to student and teacher. You are always so informative and fun.
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I feel absolutely amazing and open after doing class 2673 followed by this one. Love the cues "No part of your spine has more value than the other" and "hanging from your head" wonderful explanation to lengthen the spine and working on box awareness, strength with length! I plan to incorporate this into my routine more often, Thank you!
2 people like this.
But that conversation at the end! I could have listened to you talk about that forever!-- or at least seven minutes :)
Vicky Julie Elyse Laura Bobbie Jessica Chris First let me apologize for not responding straight off! for some reason I didn't see these notifications! Thank you ever so much for taking the time to write and offer feed back! You have NO idea how valuable this is for an instructor. Thank you and I hope to continue to hear from you!
Chris 7 minutes LOL yes !!
YES!! Love the building up to do the advanced work...thanks to your student too-all of the above back individual needs are what I need constant reminding of...turn on those hamstrings!
1-10 of 13

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