Advanced Cadillac Exercises<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2680

Advanced Cadillac Exercises
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2680

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OMGGGGG :000000
woow!!!!! love it! you are amazing!!
Beautiful!!! It was so exciting :)
I loved this whole series! Fantastic!!
Beautiful as always. So much fun - thanks for inspiration for my advanced client tomorrow!
Barbara B
You are a wonderful teacher! It's a pleasure to see you moving! Congratulations!
I got the giggles attempting the spilts with no assistance in/out of the loops and eventually succeeded! Thanks for the laugh and challenging my practise.
Wow, Kathryn! Crazy insane and beautifully executed. Not for the fair of heart. Loved it!!!!
11-20 of 30

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