Cardio Pilates Flow<br>Lisa Hubbard<br>Class 2686

Cardio Pilates Flow
Lisa Hubbard
Class 2686

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Lisa Hubbard
Thank YOU Karen for joining me in class, amongst so many to choose from!
Lisa Hubbard
I am so happy to hear that you'll keep coming back Eflach. I am building on the content & hope to bring more to this amazing platform. XOX!
Tonya H
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Loved the class am so stealing the bosu exercises for my next cardio sculpt class....
Annie G
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Love this class, i just used some of the material to teach and the clients were drench and left with a big smile. thank you Lisa Hubbard
Lisa Hubbard
Thank you Annie ! So happy to hear you got them nice and sweaty 😅, appreciate the comments.
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Lisa....enjoyed the combo of Jumpboard, Reformer and Bosu....great ideas!
Lisa Hubbard
Janine thank you Janine for taking class with me! Appreciate the support & feedback. 😊
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Wow. That was amazing. I feel great and it's a Monday!!!! Haha :)
1 person likes this.
Loved this just as much the second time. I don't have the half ball so I added 5 lb weights and substituted a little here and there. Perfect!!!! :) thankyou Lisa Hubbard
Lisa Hubbard
You are so welcome Heather ! I am so happy you enjoyed it, even on a Monday & a second time 🙏🏻🙌🏻
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