Restorative Cadillac<br>Ruth Alpert<br>Class 2691

Restorative Cadillac
Ruth Alpert
Class 2691

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Kim W
Imagine my surprise and DELIGHT when I heard you dedicated this class to ME!!! What a wonderful way to start my day! And this sequence was exactly what I needed, as I needed to move but felt tight in all the wrong/right places and a little sluggish from a bad night's sleep. Thank you, Ruth, for seeing me and honoring my request. I have so many clients who will benefit from these exercises. Much appreciated!
1 person likes this.
Thank you Ruth - the saw variation is a game-changer! May i also just say you are an inspiration to keep moving and practicing at any and every age. Beautiful fluid movement. Thank you again
Thank you Patti!  I am grateful for your comments, thank you so much!
Grace W
Thank you Ruth, what a lovely routine. I really push myself in workouts, this is a nice reminder that restorative pilates is essential as well.
Thank you Grace!  Sorry it's taken me so long to respond  - I've been traveling.  I'm glad you liked it - and I'm thinking, perhaps there's a way to push yourself with ease?  That it is not contradictory?
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