Restorative Cadillac<br>Ruth Alpert<br>Class 2691

Restorative Cadillac
Ruth Alpert
Class 2691

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2 people like this.
Thank you Ruth, this type of work is exactly what I do for myself when I am not up for a regular workout, and it really allows our bodies to reset and heal. Thanks for your honesty. It's very refreshing.
1 person likes this.
muy buen trabajo para principiantes
1 person likes this.
Enjoyed your relaxed and comforting presence ??
1 person likes this.
Sorry no question marks on that above comment
Enjoyed your relaxed and comforting presence!
Thank you
Patty Hafen
1 person likes this.
Loved this - thank you so much.
Carolan A
1 person likes this.
adorable..thankyou for your did feel delicious
Thanks Everyone! I've been on the road for some weeks and was out of internet connectivity for the past 5 days.... what a treat to open email and see all your comments!
1 person likes this.
Very nice I loved
1 person likes this.
Thanks . . . That was great??
Glad you like it Jackie!
1-10 of 35

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