Playing with Springs<br>Maria Earle<br>Class 2709

Playing with Springs
Maria Earle
Class 2709

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1 person likes this.
Como sempre eu amo tudo isso!!
3 people like this.
I have been looking forward to more from Maria! This was great!
1 person likes this.
I Like the enthusiasm and the dance moves!!!

Maria Earle
Thank you Janaina, Julia and Natasha for your kind words. It´s always so nice to hear that you enjoyed the class and the dance moves. LOL We had super fun time filming that class!
That was a great class Maria, I love the way you explained the table position..that was clear and much fun..
2 people like this.
Love your energy! Your'e an inspiration! :)
I enjoyed this workout. There are some great examples of effective tactile cuing as well as some great verbal cues.
2 people like this.
Really enjoyed watching you as a teacher relating to your student and how you discuss what you're thinking and what you're wanting your student to achieve..thanks
2 people like this.
Awesome moves!! Great queuing
2 people like this.
Great cues!!
1-10 of 23

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