Playing with Springs<br>Maria Earle<br>Class 2709

Playing with Springs
Maria Earle
Class 2709

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Maria Earle
Thank you ladies for the positive feedback!
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This was incredible start to finish. Inspirational teaching!
Tracie K
2 people like this.
I really enjoy your cues and "realness" speaking less informally and letting your personality shine is refreshing.
Maria Earle
Thank you Paula and Tracie. After a long day your comments are a true gift.
I loved your energy, cuing and humor! It was refreshing to have a teacher without a big ego! Thank you!
I really loved this class! The instructors passion and energy is so uplifting!... Her attention to form is great!. I loved her organic cues... Very real.
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What a cool class !!!! Thank you ! 😀
1 person likes this.
Thank you Maria for the great class and your radiant with joy personality. Spasibo!
1 person likes this.
love your work and your personality ...lot of fun and challenging at the same time :)
1 person likes this.
What a great class, Maria Earle !
11-20 of 23

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