Computer Slump Fix<br>Karen Clippinger<br>Tutorial 2791

Computer Slump Fix
Karen Clippinger
Tutorial 2791

Watch this Tutorial
Great for lots of sitting
Nice Karen. This should be a mandatory tutorial for all new office type jobs.
Karen Clippinger
Leslie and Theresa:
Thanks for your supportive comments. Yes, I think taking exercise breaks are so important for both short term and long term health for those of us who spend hours sitting at computers.
This short tutorial was fabulous - I can't believe how good it felt! I will certainly be teaching these exercises in future.
1 person likes this.
Excellent video. Precise and hits the spot - so relevant for so many people. Thankyou
1 person likes this.
Really helpful, thanks!
Very nice and gentle opening across the chest. Thank you.
Nice. Thank you! Great posture check and consequently breathing & digestion!
Karen Clippinger
Debra, Samantha, Simon, Deb and Jennifer:
You are so welcome and I am so glad you found it helpful! Thanks for your kind comments.
Thanks Karen, Nice to see you in action! A much needed practice for all
1-10 of 19

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