Computer Slump Fix<br>Karen Clippinger<br>Tutorial 2791

Computer Slump Fix
Karen Clippinger
Tutorial 2791

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Karen Clippinger
You are welcome Jocelyn and thanks for your appreciation
thank you, very helpful Sheena
What kind of chair are you sitting in?
Karen Clippinger
So glad you found it helpful.

This was the desk chair that was at the Pilates Anytime studio. However, it is easier to get a little more range with a shorter-backed desk chair that you can gently "arch over." Any chair that has a back works (just add padding if needed).
I am currently and online nursing student and also work from home, so can spend many hours a day at my computer. I found this instruction very helpful in relieving neck and shoulder pain and will plan to incorporate into my day regularly. Thank you Karen!
Thank you Karen.
I always come away inspired by you.
Karen Clippinger
So glad you found it helpful. Yes, on-line courses have some wonderful advantages, but do add the computer/sitting challenge.
So nice to hear from you and with such kind words. It means a lot to me. I hope you are doing well and thank you for helping demo in my Spine Anatomy video with your beautiful movement skills and energy.
Nice stretch, thank you!
Dear Karen
Thank you very much! That feels so good and is so helpful.
You mentioned, that those excersies  are an excerpt of a workshop. Is there a chance to get hold of that workshop?
Thank you!
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