Alignment and Symmetry Mat<br>Karen Clippinger<br>Class 2793

Alignment and Symmetry Mat
Karen Clippinger
Class 2793

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Karen Clippinger
I am so glad you loved the class. Scoliosis is a complex condition. With a 45° curvature I would suggest a medical evaluation regarding what movements are appropriate and having this person work with a qualified physical therapist or Pilates instructor who can make modification or substitutions where needed.
Sabine G
What an incredible class Karen! I LOVED it from the very beginning to this beautiful ending and I am feeling much more symmetrical!
Cristina R
Such a wonderful class, Karen. Thank you
Karen Clippinger
Sabine and Cristina:
Thank you for your lovely comments and Sabine, so glad you felt more symmetrical. Wishing you both good health in these challenging times
Class moved and time flew. I had fun and feel better. There were a  lot moves and stretches  i don't encounter often.. variety is good. Thanks Karen:) 
Karen Clippinger
So glad you liked the variety and felt benefits!
I really enjoyed the class. So creative with the band and usefull for me and my classes. Thanks Karen

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