Full-Body Athletic Reformer<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 2849

Full-Body Athletic Reformer
Maria Leone
Class 2849

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I have missed taking your classes so much! This was great and I hope you will have more classes posted. :)
Great class. Loved your cues and the Roll up and Saw on the Reformer.
Sheila M
top class,love it!
Maria I loved this class and your teaching is beautiful. I hope to see more of you on PA!
loved it,very challenging,so goooood
Yardley C
very motivating class, love the challenges and twists.... needed it!
Loved it! Fun,creative and full of awesome tricks:)
Lucie Bécus
This was so fun Maria! I'll be doing this one again and sharing with my students some of your challenging moves!
Great class so nice to see you on this cite??
1 person likes this.
Thank you to everyone for their kind words. I am so thrilled that you enjoyed your workout with me. I hope I have inspired you to keep learning.
11-20 of 78

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