Thoracic Range of Motion<br>Juan Nieto<br>Class 2869

Thoracic Range of Motion
Juan Nieto
Class 2869

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Genial como siempre Juan, gracias por esta clase!!!
Love the attention to the thoracic & cervical areas.....this felt more like a workshop. Thank you....always learning here!
Juan, you are an asset to Pilates anytime !!!! You are a brilliant Instuctor ! Thank you
This is intense! Love it
Oh my lots of touching it almost looks like the girl is uncomfortable hahha. I would not want someone especially a guy to touch my sit bones. Yikes!
Es muy interesante !
Victoria B
That was amazing Juan Nieto ! I feel like I'm getting a super personal private session. Each of your cues, I FEEL! This was such a great movement series for me, as I've been stuck in bed and sick for a few days...and the Scoliosis in my back just really winds up when I've been immobile. So good Juan. Keep it up.
Amazing!! This was complete thoracic medicine
gracias Juan , una gran clase, como siempre
Love this!!
11-20 of 32

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