Traditional Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2942

Traditional Mat
Amy Havens
Class 2942

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3 people like this.
Thank you Amy! This is exactly the workout I needed today. I really enjoyed it and the fast pace. This will be on my favorite's list. Ami
4 people like this.
It's great to have a new intense traditional mat workout focusing on the core ingredients. And... I really appreciate your featuring a man (Andy) as your subject. Not just for the support but because it helps to see his movements, what he's capable of, etc. Thank you Amy!
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Like this faster pace class for part I followed up by your lovely slower class with music (2917) for part II.
With these shorter classes lots of opportunity to mix and match!
Thanks so much everyone....this means a lot to me!
Brian.....your comment made my day, really it did! I wanted Andy to be what you all saw -- more than me --- for exactly the reason you pointed out! He's a wonderful mover, a man and it's nice to see what he's capable of, how someone other than us teachers can also inspire you! Happy that you enjoyed that element of this class!
1 person likes this.
Very inspiring!! Forgot about some of these exercises..will be incorporating them with my clients tomorrow. Awesome work from both of you..thanks!!
1 person likes this.
Very nice!!
2 people like this.
Thank you Amy! Loved the flow and felt great to move with you and Andy. Boomerang is my favorite. So fun! Miss you. Great way to start my holiday
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Hi Amy! Thank you, great class! Fun!
1 person likes this.
Wow Amy! I am a big pool of sweat! Great class. Thank you.
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