Fitness Ball Burn<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2995

Fitness Ball Burn
Meredith Rogers
Class 2995

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@Meredith Rogers thank you very much for this training. Your lessons are always magnificent Meredith Rogers
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I love your classes, Meredith. Your ingenuity with props is an inspiration!
Thank you so much ladies!!
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I LOVE your pants. Where are they from?
Nicola the pants are made by Liquido and I love them too!!
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Really liked the class, will see if I can do this one daily for the next couple of days until it gets kind of easy ...
How did that go Kathrin??
I find the ball work especially challenging!
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Wow, this was good. Do you have any tips on how to balance on just one leg while the other is moving up or off the ball? Maybe I didn't have the ball in the right spot under my shins... that was a move I just couldn't get. But overall, it really was a ball! :D
Thanks Catherine!
First, try having the ball just under the knees or, even higher on the thighs to practice and get the hang of the weight transfer. Then, use the leg that stays on the ball to push down while simultaneously supporting the weight of the trunk with the abdominals. Hope that helps! Please let me know.
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Meredith Rogers Thank you!! That was just the tip I needed to get myself situated properly! The first try I was wobbly but the second set went a lot more smoothly. Excellent advice.
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