Fitness Ball Burn<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2995

Fitness Ball Burn
Meredith Rogers
Class 2995

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Awesome Catherine!!
So great to hear.
Fantastic ball class, best so far I have participated in. Thank you.
What a terrific compliment Lisette-Anne! Thank YOU!
1 person likes this.
Wow great workout the push up portion was amazingly intense
Great Ball workout! I've added it to my list of favorite!! 💪
1 person likes this.
Love it ❤️♥️
How are those planks going Sara??
Getting any easier?
@meredith ohhh yesss I feel totally different now.. Stronger, I can handle it longer time and actually enjoy it 😅😅😅
Thank you very much for checking on me ❤️❤️❤️
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