Spiraling Reformer<br>Madeline Black<br>Class 3021

Spiraling Reformer
Madeline Black
Class 3021

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Valya Karcher
I have an 11 year old female client with scoliosis and this workout seems ideal - she has right convexity (the bolster), left concavity. She also wears a soft brace that her doctor has said must stay on during pilates. I'm looking forward to your thoughts! Thank you Madeleine!
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So many great takeaways from this class! Love the tip on how to keep the back wide and open in Stomach Massage. Thank you Madeline.
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Personally needed this for a nagging shoulder- the thoracic mobility will reduce the undue strain in the shoulder, and it serves as retraining the shoulder mechanics to cease any compensation. Thank you!
Brilliant! A whole new level of achieving rib cage & scapular connection. Thank you
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Awesome class! Thank you!
What an awesome, unique class!
Excellent class love the ribcage sitting in scapular and femurs moving back cues thank you!
Love the modifications and cues for shoulder blades.
Just loved it. From the beginning to the end. Wonderful movement through the shoulders and the upper spine.
What a different kind of class! Feel so open now and strong!
1-10 of 17

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