Environmental Change<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3058

Environmental Change
Amy Havens
Class 3058

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I jumped in on this class. I did not do the series. I am a Pilates instructor so I am familiar with all the exercises. It gave me a lovely burst of energy to start my day Amy! Thank you so much! I love the outdoor setting and sensory reminders! I was in a room with lovely garden views and it really helped me take everything in!! Have a beautiful day!
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Wonderful Darlene , thank you for taking this class and let me know if you head back to class #1 and beyond. I'd love to see you with us in the 10 class challenge!! :)
Thank you so much Amy. I did enjoy this challenge and I am so grateful on many levels that I was able to do it. Thank you for all that you have to offer and all that you do.
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Love that mention of "another challenge". Ready when you are. So very appreciative of all the care and attention it requires to create 10 classes with such focus and creativity.
I'm so happy you were with me Christine and Joni !! You gals are why I created this challenge, really -- students like you inspire me to keep thinking 'outside the box, a bit'. I appreciate your feedback, comments and clarity in expression as to how my classes work for you! Joni -- thanks for the support for the next challenge! :) .
Kim W
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Perfect ending to a great series! And what a miracle the train didn't go barreling by! Enjoyed all the classes, but this was one of my favorites. WIll come back again and again.
Congratulations Kim !!! And THANK YOU for moving with me in this challenge! I appreciate you!!
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Thank you Amy Havens . I loved this Challenge!
Congratulations Mary , you made it all the way through with me!!! Thank you SO very much for moving with me and the others here at PA in this 10 Class Challenge! See you again soon!
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Amy, I feel so much stronger and flexible since doing your series. I enjoyed the variety of exercises and ways of doing them. You had great fluid through each challenge and set us up for success. Teasers have always been hard for me but I've got them down now! Thank you. Have a blessed day
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