Foam Roller Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3069

Foam Roller Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 3069

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Thank you Meredith! Love all your classes and LOVE the way you teach!
This was an amazing class, absolutely loved it!
Only thing I find it always so hard to do the Janda Sit Up. So frustrating I cannot get to do without lifting my feet. Any advice on how to get it perfect?? thanks a lot again Meredith Rogers !
Thank you ALL for your amazing comments.

Maria Rosaria, put a portable leg weight over your feet and see if that helps.
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Great class
Please more foam roller and stability ball classes!
Fantastic class Meredith. It's a fine art to make a session challenging but also therapeutic and you managed exactly that. Loved the way you keep everything relaxing and steady even through the tougher movements. Thank you!
That is a very sweet comment Katherine.
Thank YOU!
Brenda B
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Awesome as all your classes, very inspirational for mine. Thanks Meredith!
Thank you for saying so Brenda.
That makes me feel happy.
Louise T
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Meredith..beautiful flow.challenge and energy.
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I think I'm so blissed out each time I've taken this class I've neglected to tell you how absolutely perfect it is. Today was my 20th time taking it with you. 13 hours and 8 minutes (thank you class tracker!) of Meredith magic. Thank you.
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