Additional Mat Abdominals<br>Lisa Hubbard<br>Class 3087

Additional Mat Abdominals
Lisa Hubbard
Class 3087

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Lisa Hubbard
Justina lol! Thank you, appreciate your support!
Lisa Hubbard
Justina lol! Thank you, appreciate your support!
Lisa Hubbard
Carolan haha! you're too kind...keep coming back, xo!
Lisa Hubbard

Andrea it's been awhile since I've done that exercise...i wonder why, haha! Thanks for joining me
Lisa Hubbard
Tina A. Michele Thanks ladies for taking class with me! Hope you'll check out some of the others too
Lisa Hubbard
Marie Jodie Thank you ladies! Super love the support & wonderful feedback
Lisa Hubbard
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Thank you Ira ! You are incredibly supportive :) The leggings are Beyond Yoga (recent purchase)
Lisa Hubbard
Julia SO honored and grateful. Thank you for your kindness and support!
Lisa Hubbard
Michelle thank you, I really appreciate your comments :) I understand curvature of the spine as I do too. Try to take the legs as low as possible without experiencing any pain, keep the ribs imprinted into the mat, maintaining a neutral pelvis and keep your breath. Hope that helps and you come back again!
Lisa Hubbard
1 person likes this.
Anna Sandra Jasmyn Very happy you enjoyed this class. My abs were on fire, lol!! Come back again
21-30 of 145

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