Wunda Chair Connections<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 3145

Wunda Chair Connections
Kristi Cooper
Class 3145

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Absolutely loved this work on the chair, thank thanks so much Kirsty.
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So happy to have new Kristi classes! Glad you are doing better and thank you for helping us to be better in our Pilates practice.
Ellen W
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It was wonderful to see Kristi again in a new class. Kristi you are as vibrant, friendly, and interesting as ever! I hope you are feeling as good as you look! Thanks for a lovely class!
Glad your back😊. I loved this class, great queuing and flow.
That was awesome! Your instruction was lovely ! I really felt the connection from your cues. After dealing with horrible traffic and a busy client filled morning, this was a lovely treat! You look great Kristi in all of your movements. Thank you for being here!
Fantastic class!! Especially the ab work and bridge work. Thank you:)
Wundaland heaven ..really enjoyed this class Kristi , love your work :)
Kristi! I absolutely LOVE your classes. I love your cueing and the transitions, plus you move beautifully. Thank you!
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I love the variety of PilatesAntime! Every time I want a session on the equipment, I find something new and challenging. I appreciate having a new chair workout with thoughtful cues. Thanks for your work!
love this workout Kristi ! I don't use the chair as often as I should and you have inspired me to explore the possibilities of this apparatus a lot more. Thank you
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