Wunda Chair Connections<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 3145

Wunda Chair Connections
Kristi Cooper
Class 3145

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Thank you Kristi - really enjoyed the spine stretch forward series here. It's always been a mystery exercise for me on the chair; I could never figure out how to press down to go "forward", but the cues were great and moving it back a bit to reach for the bar and go into extension made a great connection! Thanks so much!
Really loved this Kristi! The ques were great, form was emphasized so much that you had to be right! Thank you.
Great cues, Kristi! I am still pretty new to the chair so your cues and visuals were great!
Michael L
I am really thinking about some classic Pilates exercises i.e. Rolling Like a Ball in new and helpful ways. Thanks so much. Great workout as usual! :)
Felt my connections— Delicious!
Love this class, thanks Kristi!
Thank you very much for a chairtastic class!!!
I can't get enough of this workout! 
Revisited this class today after some time apart from the chair. Really enjoyed the reunion. Great flow and cueing as always. Thank you for a wonderful full mind body session. 
Anna B
This felt so good in my body today. Thank you, Kristi. I so appreciate your natural humour and ease. Looking forward to more chair workouts. Perhaps one using the separate pedals in some reciprocal exercises? Thank you again.
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