Stomach Massage Progressions<br>Pat Guyton<br>Tutorial 3153

Stomach Massage Progressions
Pat Guyton
Tutorial 3153

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4 people like this.
Fantastic tutorial! Thanks for your awesome advice too. I'm not perfect at Pilates, still very much learning, but it has given me my health and movement back and I improve with each class. You are all helping me to get to MY best as a student. It's so wonderful to have access to such phenomenal teachers as Pat and Amy and so many more through this site. I am so grateful to you all.
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Amy works hard to help me bring this information to you. Yes, we really do meet together to rehearse so that we can find our stride and be prepared to communicate with our audience. Thanks Amy and thanks to Pilates Anytime that helps us present material that can be sensitive and personal by careful filming and editing.
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Hi Lori these tutorials are valuable to all and we thoroughly enjoy bringing the best that we can to everyone! Pat Guyton is a true teacher, one of the best, and she cares deeply about her students having success and enjoyment with this work.
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Thank you, helpful tips and even more helpful philosophy!
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Really useful tutorial. This is exactly the sort of content that I would like to be prioritised on PA. Some tutorials give the odd new fact or pearl of wisdom but this was a constant bombardment! Loved this vid.
Thank you. Always great to see how helpful it is when we look "outside the box"
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I am happy to hear that some of you would like to see more tutorials. My mission is to help others find the "revelations" that happen over years of teaching practice. I like doing tutorials. I want to give things that experience has taught me to others to help them enjoy teaching and to help Pilates students progress. Why should others take 30 years to get to where we senior teachers have gone. Your job is to take it to the next level. Go going! I am waiting to learn from you.
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I really liked the idea of happy and naughty dog - it gave me a clear cue to where my pelvis should be. But then, following the tutorial on my reformer, I had lots of tension in my mid back, almost painful. Maybe I was trying to hard.. And I found my lower ribs trying to help..! So for rib-thrusters the happy dog - position is a little dangerous. ..and I still donĀ“t like the exercise..
But I like you two giving us food for thought and bodywork! thanks!
Good Points: Here are suggestions. 1. Try doing this without the reformer first. 2. Lower the spring tension to one spring and then remember that the range of motion for the coccyx of the doggy is very small so the machine wheels will just move a bit (maybe Amy and I overdid the range of motion because we want everyone to "see" it). 3. No ribcage thrust forward. Actually since most people live in a naughty dog, the sternum will sink. Therefore moving the coccyx back increases the nutation of the sacrum SLIGHTLY to form the natural lumbar curve. So the sternum should lift rather than move forward as the coccyx moves backward. I appreciate your comments and hope that you can take this to the chair or floor and start easy on your back. Never move when it is painful. I am hyper-mobile and I needed to develop the strength in those lower erectors and QL to be able to do this without effort.
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Perfection is not a Pilates principal. Oh that! Thank you very much for this tutorial ladies. I'm going to have happy thoughts of my very naughty but loving yellow lab Max today. RIP Max!
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