Bone Safe Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3238

Bone Safe Mat
Amy Havens
Class 3238

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Glad this class helped give you a little pep!!
Tiara J
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I have a client with a fused lumbar spine and kyphosis . Would the hinges be safe and effective for her? Does the theraband around the ribs assist in proper posture?
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Tiara , yes the hinges could be great for your client, very effective---- watch the kyphosis however.  Some clients can perform the hinge, but do it without elongating and extending so make sure to emphasize that!!  The theraband is a nice tool for feedback in breathing.  While it itself doesn't truly create proper posture, it can provide feedback for someone to connect to their ribs, spinal muscles, axial elongation etc.  
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Short, effective and efficient. Thank you Amy
Thank you Caroline B !!
Megan Y
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Love this class!
Wonderful, thank you Megan !!

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Wonderful short and effective class!  
Thank you CADM !
Karin H
You should do more of these! Thank you Amy!
11-20 of 22

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