Day 5: Control<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3271

Day 5: Control
Meredith Rogers
Class 3271

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Matthew S
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great stuff - 30 mins is great at this point for me. thanks.
You can always squeeze in 30 minutes a day!!
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Thank you, love using the bands👍
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I love your leadership style, Meredith. Parasympathetic, open ended and all about friendly possibilities. I'm doing each class in the challenge twice in the month of February to get back into the habit of regular practice. You make it very inviting and easy to get myself on the mat. Thank you.
Thank you for the sweet comment Casey.
That brought a smile to my face today.
You go girl!!
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I am 7 mo postpartum, and the band made some of the moves possible for me that I can't manage yet. Yay Teaser!!
YAY Yvonne!!
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Another favorite. So many favorites!
I am so glad to see that you are revisiting them Kandie. Thank YOU!
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I love the slow, controlled movement and how it allows thinking about all the body working together. I know I say this all the time, but this is one of my favs!
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