Day 7: Efficiency<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3273

Day 7: Efficiency
Meredith Rogers
Class 3273

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Great to hear ladies!
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Holy cow, those 30 min went by lightening fast today. I'm finding myself wanting more. Loved adding the weights. It gave just enough variation that I felt it for sure. Thank you!
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Dear Meri, you look so good in different shades of blue. The side stretch was quite impossible balancewise. I must work on it. I really liked the feel of the weights. TY.
That's sweet, Chiara, thank you!
Maybe working up to the side stretch without weights would be a good place to start and then when you feel more comfortable with the movement, add the weights in.
Let me know if that helps!
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What is the trick for keeping balance? Is the body in one straight line, or are the legs at a minimal forward angle? Do you keep the hand palm up or palm down? But I reckon the balance must all come from the core.
Could you be more specific about the exercise you are speaking of?
I'll try my best to help.
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120 straight days! My abs have never felt stronger and I'm building more flexibility and length. Thanks for keeping me going, Meredith Rogers !
Great to hear Kandie!!
Keep up the good work!
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Meredith, there is no way we could hate you for having us do things in reverse....after the series is over I will definitely revisit it :)
So happy to hear that Claudia
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