Day 10: Harmony<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3281

Day 10: Harmony
Meredith Rogers
Class 3281

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Boy did I need harmony today! Thanks Meri you’re a life saver! 💕💕💕
Jennifer I feel like I need harmony every day now!  Hope Winnie enjoyed as well. xx
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During this time of Covid-19 and staying at home I decided to take this 10-day challenge.  Today I completed it!  In the past I have found it hard to motivate myself to work out at home and always preferred going to a class.   I'm so grateful for Meredith and PilatesAnytime.   Between this challenge and the variety of classes available, I have been consistently working out.  I feel it is helping me to stay strong and healthy, both physically and mentally during this time.  Thank you!
Karen that is SO great to hear.  We need movement now more than ever these days.  While we are all excited to get back to our regular classes (I AM) at least we can be together here.  Thanks for showing up and completing this and congratulations.
Donna B
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Thank you, Meredith!  I am new to Pilates Anytime, and fairly new to pilates.  I am so glad I completed the challenge--it was hard, but I used some modifications and feel really good about the experience.  I'll be running through the classes again to get even more out of them next time.

Donna how great you saw it through to the end.  Now you can measure your progress going forward.  Pilates won't ever be easy but with practice it might feel less hard. Thank you for being you and for sharing your feedback!
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Just finished my second time through this challenge. It has been such a joy to feel more limber and strong as the classes progressed. Thank you as ever, Meredith! You're the best.
AnnS thank you for returning to this challenge! I did it again myself in the beginning of stay at home guidelines and enjoyed it as well.
Laura R
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I finished it!  It only took...a little over three months, but I did it!  I will definitely go back and do these again, especially the ones toward the end, since they were a little out of my skill range, but I'm not giving up!  Thank you!
Laura congratulations for seeing it through!! Keep practicing and you'll get there before you know it.  
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