interesting class. It felt really good, even with the wall as my partner! One suggestion: I kept having to stop and go over to the computer to look at what you were doing, because the cues weren't anatomical enough at certain points. I mean simple things like--"rotate and return" (prone) rotate what? ankle, knee, hip? a joint name or muscle name would have helped at that moment. Thanks Rebekah!
Tensegrity seems to be the magic which may finally unlock injured areas from 30 years ago. Moving with this knowledge may help all to recover in a more timely fashion, without living through limitations. Thank you, Rebekah.
As promised I just did this class. Its Christmas eve morning, when you get my age you will also be doing wonderful moves like these on Christmas eve! Thank you Rebekah, now Im ready for the festivities. Happy Hanuka, Merry Christmas and be safe!