Spine Corrector Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3320

Spine Corrector Flow
Amy Havens
Class 3320

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Thank you, Amy! I love your spine corrector classes. Despite the "corrections" you tend to give yourself, it is clear that you have impeccable grace and awareness.
Jodi B
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I adore your classes Amy!
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Really enjoyed this sequence!! Thank you!
Laura , Jodi and Whitney -- you gals really get me. Thank you for taking class with me and leaving these wonderful comments!!
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Amy Havens , thank you very much!!! What a great feelings after this class!!!!
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Glad you enjoyed this Olga !!
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Amy Havens the more classes of yours I do, the more I like you as a teacher. Thanks for sharing your knowledge xx
Thank you so much Gladys !
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Thank you Jaime, glad you enjoyed this workout, I appreciate you taking the time to leave me a message. As we know all too well down here in Santa Barbara how difficult it can be to move/workout etc when smoke is all around you, I'm happy to hear that you were able to get motivated with this class.
Requesting a level 3 spine corrector flow:)
11-20 of 31

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