Spine Corrector Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3320

Spine Corrector Flow
Amy Havens
Class 3320

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So good, Amy! This is a very yummy workout for my weekday routine when I want to feel strong and open after sitting at the desk all day. Love your work!
Thank you so much Julia!
Lauren G
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I appreciate the cues that you give that remind us to remain active in specific muscles, even when the body weight is largely supported by the barrel. Thank you!
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another favorite Amy!
Thank you so much Lisa P 
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Thank you Amy! I start loving my spine corrector more and more😁🌻
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Yes Marina C !!!  This makes me very happy!  Keep it up!!
Every time i get injured in my body...shoulders specially, i get to do your classes Amy, and they are wonderfull. 
I get a nice rehabilitation class for my body!
Tamara G
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my new arc Barrell arrived today and I just did your class, the first time on the barrel and loved it - thank you 

Tamara G yay, this makes me happy -- that you have now a Barrel, yay, and for taking class with me!
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