Quick Wunda Chair<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 3335

Quick Wunda Chair
Kristi Cooper
Class 3335

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Thank you for joining me in this class! I found I was kind of avoiding the chair recently... and now I can't get enough! I'm really glad to hear some of you are enjoying it like I am too. As always, I appreciate your feedback!
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Like a café corsé, very intense, very concentrated.
Michele M
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Great practice! I loved the side planks and connection thru the feet...thanks Kristi!!
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Such a strong workout! Loved it
Michael L
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I love how the BASI possy gives such a wonderful sense of mindfulness at the beginning of each workout in order to know where you and your body are starting from! I'm not crazy about just jumping in full force to exercises; I need a little "wine and dinner" first! ;) Thanks for another great workout!
Michael, I'm all for convincing you all to stay on "the date" with me! Thank you for your feedback! ;)
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That felt really good. Great cueing, ideal pace and luscious for my legs and spine. Thank you Kristi.🌴
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Thank you Kristi, it was fun and great workout with you!
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This was awesome, very helpful for my knee! The hip and gluteus stretch at the end is one of my favorite, thank you so much Kristi! 😘
Great class Kristi! Thank you!! Love your classes and glad you are back teaching more!
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