Reformer Combinations<br>Diane Severino<br>Class 3440

Reformer Combinations
Diane Severino
Class 3440

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I barely started this video and already am wishing I could take classes on a regular basis from Diane. How refreshing!!! Most defintely a fave!
Love this!! Felt so restorative. Thank you
Beautiful class delivered with beautiful energy. Thank you
Beautiful class! You had me laughing and smiling the whole way through! Thank you
Beautiful class! You had me laughing and smiling the whole way through! Thank you
Liked the variety, particularly the standing leg lifts to the side and rotate through the hip into a one legged elephant wow!
Love her! Thank you Diane for your fun spirit and fantastic class:).
Thank you Diane! Not fancy but awesome! I loved it! XO
Sharon O
Thank you! Wonderful cueing into “why you really feel it” cueing!
I loved the humour in this class right from the start I want to repeat it again and again! Diane, you're such a gifted teacher and I really like your style. Thanks.
11-20 of 42

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