Connecting to the Reformer<br>Lesley Logan<br>Class 3466

Connecting to the Reformer
Lesley Logan
Class 3466

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Love the pace, felt like I did so much. The ending sequences were brilliant - saw and split series felt so strong in the legs. thank you
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Adore your teaching style Lesley! Succint and fun : )
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Oh my! That rollover into swan! I so want to do it. I think I just need a spotter. I will keep doing this again and again. This was probably my favorite classical class ever. Thank you Leslie!
Michele M
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That was so much fun! I enjoyed applying the mat principles to the Reformer. Also loved the pace and your cueing. Thanks Lesley!
Amba Loudon thank you so much for taking my class! I am thrilled you enjoyed it and especially the splits with the Saw. That is one of my favorite ways to end my Reformer workouts! xx~LL
Paula thank you very much for your sweet note! That makes me so happy! Hope to have you in other classes soon too xx~LL
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Connie your comment may be my favorite ever!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me and I hope you are able to grab a spotter and give it a go! Keep me posted xx~LL
Michele so happy you liked thinking of the Mat on your Reformer! If you haven't had a chance you might like my new Mat class 3465 where we funnel the Reformer ideas on our Mat! Let me know if you have any questions xx~LL
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Thank you! Great class! Really enjoyed hearing the connections to the matwork.
Hannah thank you for taking my class! So happy you enjoyed all the connections! xx~LL
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