Building Your Snake & Twist<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 3499

Building Your Snake & Twist
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 3499

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2 people like this.
What an awesome class!! Thank you for giving me a good sweat!
Such my pleasure! Katheryn
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1 person likes this.
That was amazing!
3 people like this.
Star-Bicycle is very very hard! I love how you always share exercises and variations that I've never seen, I love it because I am taking the teacher training with Romana's Pilates :)
1 person likes this.
It has been long time that I havent seen that much functional variations so lovely thank you so much
1 person likes this.
It has been long time that I havent seen that much functional variations so lovely thank you so much
Applause! Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Wowza!! That was an awesome class. I'll need to work on the star bicycle for sure. Mountain climbers is one of my favorite chair exercises. I've never done the side or front ones though. So challenging! Thank you!!
Madhavi Linda Jennifer SIBEL David Anne-Marie - Thank you so much for your feed back! Jennifer enjoy your training!!! It is such a beautiful time when you are fully immersed in the work!!!! Anne-Marie Can't wait to hear about how the front and side feel!
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