Mat Flow with Music<br>Michael King<br>Class 3506

Mat Flow with Music
Michael King
Class 3506

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Loved the “mermaid dance”!
Great work for challenging lumbopelvic stability in side lying and wonderful segments for lengthening of the fascial chains
What a great video to come across ! Loved the creative approach to the movement. Michael's dancing background shone through the session!. Being a dancer myself and being fairly new to teaching Pilates, I am constantly looking for ways to integrate the two. Thank you for new ideas and new challenge! Looking forward to seeing your other videos.
Love it....Love it ......Love it..... the class, the music the atmosphere !!!! Thank you Michael King !!!!)
Hi Michael King I felt like my legs were going to drop off......must have been that last gin & tonic last night in the sun! Ha! Ha!
Michael King, you present the most challenging Pilates classes for me, in a format of enjoyment and inspiration. Thank you!
the music helped me slow down and focus. enjoyed more than I thought.
Jane N
Set me up for the day! Thank you
Really lovely and challenging class, thank you
11-20 of 49

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