Mat Flow with Music<br>Michael King<br>Class 3506

Mat Flow with Music
Michael King
Class 3506

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Loved this class and teacher’s lovely personality, lots of fun variations I haven’t seen before - definitely one of my favourite classes
Kate R
Enjoyed this a lot!   I loved the music and creativity
Rajashree Srirangarajan
Enjoyed every moment of this class! Thank you!

I loved your class, music too! Thank you for a wonderful start of the day! Do you still live in Greece? I am Greek but teach English!
I am on a mission to take every Michael King Class I have the equipment for.  They are all good:)  Thanks Again Michael! 
love love love

I really love the music of the class. Would it be possible to get the name of the songs? 
Szilvia Moritz ~ Thank you for your forum post. These songs were commissioned by Michael. I believe the best way to find more information is to go directly to his website. I hope you enjoyed this class!
Wonderful wonderful class! My inner ballerina filled with joy... :D
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