Mobilizing Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3528

Mobilizing Mat
Amy Havens
Class 3528

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Thank you Rachel!
Christine T
Love it !!! Just perfect for me. I would love more of these type of classes. I do love all of your classes too. Thanks Amy!
Louise D
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Won-der-ful class! Merci!
Thank you Louise !

1 person likes this.
Wow Amy really enjoyed that challenge and the rollover with the hall as it really highlights the preference to one side on the return! 
Thank you Kerry !!
1 person likes this.
Exactly what I needed today, thanks so much! loved the stabilizing work, all of the openings and the great focus on rotation fluttered throughout! 
Thank you so much Hailee !
Cynthia G
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just great.  Again, for me, the props give me security as well a a nudge to work more to the point. Thanks
Thank you Cynthia !!
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