Mobilizing Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3528

Mobilizing Mat
Amy Havens
Class 3528

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Awesome class first thing in the morning! Thank you!
Thank you Sonia !
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Loved this class particularly ballwork under sternum. I am not sure of the size of your ball, mine is 7 inches so didn't get as much extension/ height as you appeared to. I imagine ball size makes a difference???
Moira M
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Lovely. Challenging in the right ways but also delicious for the spine.
Hi Sharon, the ball I was using is about 7" also, yes. I have a fairly lordotic spine so my extension often looks pretty generous -- in the lumbar area, but where I need it more is my thoracic! This is where the ball really, really helps me!!
Thank you Moira!
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Love love loved this class!!Thank you!!
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Thank you. Lovely session I had with you today 🙏
Thank you Michelle and Stacey -- means a lot to know I've got students enjoying classes from so many places! I'm grateful to you!
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I always love your classes Amy so good 😊
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