Zesty Mat<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3533

Zesty Mat
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3533

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Thank You :)
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I like this teacher a lot ..😍
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Sarah’s teaching is sooooo much fun! I could learn a lot from you to entertain my clients a bit while challenging them :P
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Sarah you Rock!!... Love! Love! Loved this class!! And your talented teaching style! I haven't done Boomerang for so long...but the way you set it up, got the legs engaged and the lightness in fingertips was so helpful!! ....Now if I could only get the Teasers!! Thank you!!
Laurie C
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Sarah, I really enjoyed your class! The cueing for the back support and boomerang was so helpful to me! I love your humor you always bring to your classes. Just reminds us to not be so hard on ourselves and to just move with flow and ease. Thank you!
Thank you so much Ewa. Rebecca grateful to be able to share. Joanna grateful to have the space to share my passion!(thank you Pilates Anytime. We should be having fun right?
Michele Harris Pilates PowerHorse YEAH for the Boomerang. Just love that exercise. As you see in the class, Teasers are not always great for me either. But it is about enjoying the ride right? Or at the very least going on the ride! LOL.
Laurie thanks so much for playing! Glad to hear you are enjoying my silly side. I just love teaching mat classes. Don't do it as much these days but need to change that.
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Terrific energy and cuing. Love the variations. Thank you so much!
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Had to laugh, since my name is Mandy and really felt you were telling me to lift my head up in spinal rotation. Haha! Great challenging class!
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