Wow! Niedra! Thank you for such a fun and invigorating session. I ALWAYS learn something new to take away when you are teaching. Your cues are the best! I always feel the work deeper and more correctly with your cues. Bringing the armpits to the ribs or waist makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you for providing those feel great connections. I appreciate your energy and always enjoy your classes.
This is really great- the emphasis of the lats connection with the diamond shape and then thru pulling straps and then thru back rowing is really great - however I don’t feel this model is enough of a beginner when it comes to teaching real beginners - I mean what about when you have a 75 yr old man with a pot belly and diabetes and an athletic young trainer both in class .... that’s a real challenge to combo teach ! These are the kind of situations I find myself in!
Thank you all for your comments. Elizabeth I fully understand the challenge of dealing with a VAST spectrum of body types within a beginner dimension. I cannot answer your question ! its about how flexible and quick the teacher is in figuring out what cues and exercises can be done by these two different bodies, and cue each one appropriately for the needs and challenges. from the teacher's perspective you need to be VERY fast in your group cueing ( I will often cue one student one way and yell to the other to NOT do what I am saying but something else.) This could be an interesting video to do : two different types of beginners in the same class, how to manage this....
Thank you Niedra Gabriel -you bring so much joy and enthusiasm to your classes- really enjoyed the bridging series with the magic circle- my hips feel so much better now! Totally using this series for my classes this week- thanks for the inspiration💜