Extension Connection<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Tutorial 3569

Extension Connection
Karen Sanzo
Tutorial 3569

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1 person likes this.
I always learn so much from you Karen. You make it all very accessible. Thank you.
Laura B
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This was very informative. I appreciate how you used 2 different bodies with varying abilities to show how to help each one achieve extension properly. Thank you!
Karen Sanzo
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Thank you both for the first two comments. This tutorial could've gone on a long time. I have a lot to say as we progress into backbending over the short box and into active backbending following thigh stretch.
Stay tuned.
3 people like this.
Love this, so much information... I will be watching this many times over to get it all into my little brain! Love you!
So great to have another class from you, [Karen Sanzo. Such important work for all of us.
Karen Sanzo, this is such great information! Thank you!
Karen thank you ! You really have a wonderful teaching voice :)
1 person likes this.
Awesome thank You thank You :)
1 person likes this.
Karen, this is so helpful to breakdown all the details so clearly. when you get to the exercise this makes sense working hard where you should.
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